
Since both kids are in the same morning session, our daily routine has changed a bit.

6 am – Rise and shine. The kids and husband will be taking their shower while I prepare breakfast.

6. 25 am – Kids + husband will have breakfast while I take a shower and change to work clothes. The husband will clean up the breakfast table and toss my breakfast in a bag for take away.

6.50 am – Quickly gulp down my tea and off we go.

7.00 am – Drop the kids off to school and drive to work.

7.00 am to 8.00 am – Probably the most important time of the day. The time we talked/discussed/make plans. And I’ll have my breakfast in the car. Sometimes, we drop by for another cup of coffee/tea if time permits.

8.30 am to 5.30 pm – Work

5.30 pm – As we drive back home,we talked about our day -work related. I try not to talk about work once we are home.

6.30 pm – Pick the kids up from my Mum’s.

6.40 pm – We freshen up while the kids do their own stuffs

7.00 pm – Dinner for us. The kids already had their dinner at grandma. This is where we talked about their school day.

8.00 pm – Kids complete their unfinished school work/do revision/read/pack their bags. I’ll work with them while the husband do laundry.

9.00 pm – Lights out for the kids. I’ll do some ironing/housework/surf the net/online shopping etc.

11.00 pm – Lights out for us.

And….the alarm will ring at 6 am again…

I have not had this routine for a looong time due to the nature of my previous job. So I welcome this routine with open arms. 🙂